“I take beautiful photographs (and have won 2 national awards to prove it!)

An artist, researcher and a photographer based in United Kingdom.
My photographic practice started in the year 2012 whilst completing my bachelor’s degree in Arts. Later my passion for art and photography turned into profession and after a decade long practice, I strengthened it by securing a Masters of Arts in Photography from University of Portsmouth in the year 2022.

In the recent years, the artist in me got an extensive exposure of contributing in portfolio designing for Fashion, lifestyle, community building and food brands. Choosing Motherhood as final year project, I used my professional camera skills and personal experiences that depicted the essence of Motherhood in 21st Century under my portfolio.

Typically my work is a combination of artistry and capturing the essence of relationships in our lives. Besides my photography practice, I have been engaged in providing trainings to photographers and increasing their entrepreneurial skills and spirits.